In addition to “Celebration Rice”, Memory-Pebbles™ may become a standard Method and Practice associated with GWRegistry™ (and churches we help become more open). This is not a Multipoint-Scatter™, Natural-Placement™ or token Scatter technique. It does not involve portions of human ashes. This is a Memory practice that is encouraged for churches to enhance their Services of Remembrance.
What do we carry of a person that has passed… besides our Memories of that individual? A small pebble can be a token of that Memory. It can travel with us in our daily lives. That pebble can come from a place our Remembered person lived or frequented often. Maybe it was the sea shore where family vacations or gatherings occurred. The pebbles there are washed with time to a luster found few other places. Maybe they are from a gravel walkway at the family house. Maybe they are from a Park or State Forrest that provided the tranquil settings in life we all hope for after passing. The size and features of the pebble are not important. The point a pebble becomes a memory is.
We suggest a plate of pebbles be offered in the reception line at a Church funeral. This could be adopted by Funeral Homes as well. The family provides the pebbles and the Story of the memory. Those Memory cards and a pebble can be taken by anyone. They can leave their name and a mark (*) can be added to the book they signed earlier of their attendance. The family can remember all those their Loved One “Touched” or “Carried” on.
In turn, those that took a pebble can remember their friend as long as they carry it with them in their pocket or their heart.